Being an entrepreneur means different things to different. However you define entrepreneurship is up to you, but no matter how you define it, there are some things you must know before you start your business.

1. Choosing the Right Industry: You need to feel a passion and a connection with what you want to sell, before you actually start. Once you figure out what you are passionate about, whether that be dog clothes or an accounting firm, then do your research. Look at your big-name competitors and see what they are doing. Then study your local competitors. Take notes about what they are doing to be successful.

2.  Save Your Money: You need capital to start a business, so start saving. If you are thinking of a future where you are relying on your own business for income, you need money for back up savings. Once your business starts getting off the ground, save money to invest in some employees, for you will need employees eventually.

3. Look at Your Audience: Study your audience. What do they like from other competitors. What don’t they like from them. Listen to their complaints and stem your ideas from that. Listen to their applauds and use that to your advantage. Make sure you communicate with your audience through social media. Without your audience, you don’t have a business.

4.Put Your Employees First: It’s the truth – business is about the people not yourself. If you have happy employees, then you have a happy company. Compensate them adequately and make sure that they each receive proper training. Create a fun and open environment where people can not just work, but grow.

5. Remember to Maintain a Work-Life Balance: Being an entrepreneur can sometimes get in the way of other important things in life. Remember that when you are home, you are not at your office. Retain from answering business emails or work calls. Work time is work time and home time is home time. Remember that.


6.Be Good at Managing Debt: Most entrepreneurs start their business off with a loan of some sorts. This can be detrimental for some people who already struggle paying off debt they have. Always have a backup plan. There is always the chance that your business might fail. If that happens, you are left with more debt than you came in with. Be cautious and conscious of what you owe each month.

7. Find a Mentor: Find a mentor because this stuff can get overwhelming after a while. Mentors can help you figure out your next business move, questions you have, or any concerns. Find a mentor who has a good track record, someone who has succeeded in the business world and knows how you feel.


Yes this list can sound overwhelming and this is not meant to scare you from starting your business! You need to be aware of the steps involved to get started and once you do, you’re on your way to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Hope your venture takes you to big places!

And remember, if you need an accountant, we are here to help! Contact us here (link) for your one stop cloud based accounting software to manage your finances, billing, invoicing and many more. Let us take care of that for you – so you can do what you do best. Run your business.